Our Story
Brewbus NZ winners of the inaugural Beer Tourism Industry Award at the Brewers Guild of New Zealand beer awards 2019.
The beginnings of New Zealand’s first nationwide beer tourism operator are born from a lawyer, a journalist, a shared vision and a love of craft beer. Katy Martley and Lavina Good founded Brewbus NZ in 2017 after meeting doing volunteer work in Tauranga for a food rescue service and a youth trust.

Having run a very successful charity lunch together, which raised $100,000 for the two charities, they realised they had the perfect combination for a business partnership. So, the journo did her digging and the lawyer her due diligence and the result - identifying a gap in the market for a unique and exciting venture into the emerging world of beer tourism.
“We wanted to create an experience that would introduce the world to New Zealand’s unique beer scene. Where you’re taken on a road of discovery into the heart and soul of the industry. Where farmers and engineers, surfers and scientists, accountants and ballet dancers, amongst many others, converge with their passion to brew quality beer. Every brewery has their own unique ‘kiwi’ story to share about their passion which people love to hear about.”
The art of brewing is shared with behind the scenes tours of the working breweries and an insight into just what makes that perfect pour with plenty of opportunities for tastings along the way. Even the less beer inclined will be sure to find surprising satisfaction somewhere amongst the brews, whether in the refreshing sensation of a pilsner on a hot summer day or in the quiet comfort of chocolate, and coffee in the sip of a dark and mysterious stout.
A Brewbus experience also showcases the regions unique sights, culture, and local food. Brewbus guests become Brewbus whanau, their family, as they embrace manaakitanga or hospitality, coming together to learn, experience, laugh and enjoy their time together. If there is a custom-made tour that clients are after Brewbus is also able to create specially tailored packages to suit.
Let us take you to the beer!